

The Comparison


Masks and respirators require a seal, while our patent pending PositivAir™ technology utilizes fans to create a positive pressure clean air environment for you to breathe freely, requiring no seal around the mouth and nose. This system allows clean, cool air to comfortably escape the mask around the face creating a continuous, one way outflow that keeps outside air out. This means unparalleled protection (up to 50x better than current market leading solutions) and a more human experience.

We compared the traditional masks (antipollution masks, n95, sports filtration masks, double barreled respirators, anti allergy emasks etc) against our Atmōs.

Traditional Masks


Traditional Seal Based Masks LIKE AN N95

  1. Rarely achieves or maintains a proper seal which allows particulate matter to enter deep into your airways

  2. Traps the air you exhaled, causing you to rebreathe the stale CO2 laden air you just exhaled

  3. Hot and humid

  4. Cannot inform you if you are protected

  5. Hides facial expressions

  6. Requires a clean shave

  7. Hot, humid air escaping the masks often leads to fogging of glasses

The Atmōs


PositivAir Technology

  1. A patent protected no seal solution which is up to 50 times better than market leading sports air filtration masks at stopping particulate matter being inhaled

  2. Provides a continuous flow of cool, clean air to breathe naturally

  3. Cool to breathe as the surrounding air

  4. Connected and can tell you when you need protection and that you are protected

  5. Shows your smile

  6. Facial hair okay!

  7. Glasses don’t fog


Wearing the Atmos